Unofficial FP Links Carrd
A nice, neat place to find all the many, many, MANY links for resources and checklists and FAQ's managed by the Fursona Pins community.Want something added? Removed?
Poke @obliviousally on Telegram~
Official FP Stuff
Official Fursona Pins links and places you can find them around the internet. Circle icons are primary links, the ones below are official links to Trello boards and other official FP-related stuff!These links are all managed by Fursona Pins staff.
Official Trello Boards
Official Chats
Community Links
Links to community-run resources and lists for everything from pins and plushes and itabags and variants and information.These are all managed by community members, NOT Fursona Pins themselves. So read over any information on these Trellos or sites to see who to contact with questions or suggestions!Starred ★ links are SUPER USEFUL for newcomers to the community! So check those out~Links are in alphabetical order.
Chats + Information
Trello Boards
Checklist Graphics
Graphics made by Ally (@obliviousally) for keeping track of some of the variety of variants of specific pins or pins being released for specific events.If you notice anything amiss, mis-numbered or mis-labeled, please let me know (@obliviousally) on Telegram!
Specific Pins
Canines vs. Felines Base Adoptables
Canines vs. Felines
All the species/breeds/colors and variants that were available through the Canines vs. Felines Kickstarter.
Pride Pins 2.0
Updated selected molds of the Pride Pins line - flags for these will be enamel instead of screenprinted like the originals.
Country Flags
Pins done on the original Pride Pins bases featuring flags from all countries.
Patreon Exclusives
Convention Pins
Event Exclusives
Trello Tips + Tricks
Just some Trello tips! Mainly just how to copy cards on various devices so you can start getting your own wishlist or collection Trello set up quickly!Any browser-based instructions SHOULD function the same if you have Trello pulled up in your mobile browser (not the app) in Chrome or Safari or anything like that.The best resource for populating your wishlist or collection board is probably gonna be the Comprehensive Fursona Pins Trello or the Fursona Pins Masterlist (great for searching by species!).
Copying Cards - Desktop
In Your Browser
When the card is open, on a board you don't own, you have 'Copy', 'Watch', and 'Share' available to you.You want to click 'Copy' and it will give you the dropdown shown above.As you can see, I am copying this card to my personal wishlist board and I'm going to have it go under the 'Wishlist - High' column/list.When I click 'Create card' Trello will make a new card identical to this one on my Trello board.If you want, you can change the title/name of the card, here, as well.
From Your Own Board (Browser)
You can only do this method of copying cards on boards you own.1. Click the little pencil icon in the top right corner of the card.2. Select 'Copy' to copy the card to your board.3. You can change anything here before you copy the card over to your board (it creates a new copy of that card onto your board).
Copying Cards - Android App
1. Click three dots in the top right corner of the card.2. Select 'Copy card' to copy the card to your board.3. You can change anything here before you copy the card over to your board (it creates a new copy of that card onto your board).
Moving Cards
You can use the above copying instructions to Move Cards around a board you own or to and from different boards that you own.You can also pull cards around a board you own, as well, as seen in the clip below. I'm working in iPadOS on a base model iPad here, but it works the same on the browser and in the Android app.
Adopt Spreadsheets
Here's where you'll find the spreadsheets for the adoptables Fursona Pins releases. You can add your handle/username to them so people can contact your to trade or buy copies of your adopt pin(s). All sheets are editable, please treat them with care!Reminder that while this is a great way to have a database of those who have opted in to claiming which adopt they bought, please do not take that as an invitation to send any unsolicited DMs, including trade or sale requests! The owners will come forward on their own time when they are ready and wanting to distribute their pins, just like any other custom character pin ❤️
Canines vs. Felines Bases
- 1058 Dancer Dhole
- 1070 Skull Jaguar
- 1077 Catfish Koi
- 1086 Cthulhu Cat (MYO)
- 1107 Cyber Doberman
- 1120 Astronaut Cross Fox
- 1125 Pirate Crab Eating Fox
- 1131 Sorcerer Lykoi
- 1135 Shark Borzoi
Halloween 2022
- 1398 Kitsune Skull Beasts
- 1399 Potionsellers
- 1400 Laced Lantern Fox
- 1401 Potion Brewer Firefox
- 1408 Candy Thief
Pricing & Rarities
Here's where you'll find the spreadsheets for the adoptables Fursona Pins releases. You can add your handle/username to them so people can contact your to trade or buy copies of your adopt pin(s). All sheets are editable, please treat them with care!Reminder that while this is a great way to have a database of those who have opted in to claiming which adopt they bought, please do not take that as an invitation to send any unsolicited DMs, including trade or sale requests! The owners will come forward on their own time when they are ready and wanting to distribute their pins, just like any other custom character pin ❤️
Pricing Information
Rarities Information
Generally speaking, Patreon pin club pins (minus the Ultimate exclusive designs) are high in quantity and low in desire. There's a lot of patrons and Patreon pins are often typical trading fodder. Great designs, but just a lot of them in the community!
There are a lot of pins that may be more difficult (or currently impossible in some cases!) to acquire. As of May 2023, these pins are more difficult to come by or are not distributed.Please remember that this info can change on a dime! A pin that's highly sought after and pricey one day can suddenly have been reordered at 200 quantity and now available easily.
006 Akari - Original 5 color version is harder to come by. Character is now owned by Cy, who has reprinted and redistributed the updated version.